marți, 24 noiembrie 2009

the inner out!

all of us are scared,we all try to fight against the wind,and still not everyone starts winning about how cruel life doesn't seem fair sometimes,for the turns each life takes,the most important thing is to believe in yourself.ironic is the fact that few of us do that,the most,the rest,we just lose ourself's in the moment,the pain of the prezent.for those who lose their time winning about how everything went bad,maybe you were the one that made it like stead of blaiming those around you,you should try to see the were the one that got there in the first place,you're ego is so big and you're mind so twisted that you make believe fatasies in the're the one to blame for alone laid you're now sleep in it...we each make our own lives,may as well at least try and take responsability fo our actions...cause everything has it's consequences!!!

luni, 23 noiembrie 2009


ne bazam pe incredere in multe ori oarba.bagam mana in foc si garantam pentru cei din jurul nostru.crezi ca esti in stare sa analizezi o persoana aleasa la intamplare din jurul tau...sau fie...orice persoana,poti sa spui sincer "il/o cunosc,stiu ce fel de persoana e" adevarul?DEGEABA...mai devreme sau mai tarziu aparentele noastre inascute se pierd si scapam un strop din firea noastra interioara nestiuta de nimeni.socam pe cei din jur si ii dezamagim...dar ce conteaza? ei ne dezamagesc pe te astepti si cerul cade peste ochii tai pare ca naivitatea te face te cunosc...nici tu pe mine...mii de variabile in ecuatia vietii,ne pacalim ca le aflam,gresim si cadem la te cunosc...DEGEABA am vrut sa cred asta...esti la fel ca el,ca ea,ca mine!!!

luni, 2 noiembrie 2009


A life time's ending just searching for something,or rather said,for everyting.The thing you want the most,near you or far away,you'll give ten years for just one day,one glimpse of staring freely in the sun.No more then a smile becomes a tear,from sadness picking joy.the thought of peace within your self,the true self that never died and never will,forever floating in the skies of blue.Worlds passing by,regardless of the look your eyes are wishing,they never see,they never know...
Still sour,oh,so sweet...forever more!